In The News: Pompeo: Biden’s weakness puts American lives at risk in Afghanistan. We can’t leave anyone behind

In The News: Pompeo: Biden’s weakness puts American lives at risk in Afghanistan. We can’t leave anyone behind

August 24, 2021

Biden’s weakness puts American lives at risk in Afghanistan. We can’t leave anyone behind
Michael R. Pompeo
August 24, 2021

The disaster unfolding in Afghanistan has shown in stark terms the incompetence and weakness of the Biden administration. In a matter of days, the Taliban was allowed to take over the entire country.

Right now, though, the most urgent problem, the issue of getting all Americans out of Afghanistan safely, looms large.

Our first priority must be to get every American out of Afghanistan safely regardless of any arbitrary deadline set by us or by the Taliban.

President Biden should commit to staying in Afghanistan until every American citizen is rescued from behind the enemy lines of the Taliban. And that withdrawal should occur on our terms and not the Taliban’s.

The safety and security of the American people should be the highest priority of any responsible American government. But the Biden administration has neither secured the safety of the American people, nor kept the Taliban in check by holding them to the promises they made under the agreement we negotiated in February 2020.

The safety of those Americans is right now reliant on the Taliban, not the U.S. government. That is inexcusable.

Unfortunately, Team Biden has completely ceded control of the situation to the Taliban, and so such assertions are now impossible to make without endangering the Americans trying to leave.

President Biden’s incompetence has left Americans in harm’s way and is dishonoring those who serve and our country.

No American should be left behind.

Read the full op-ed HERE.
